Remove microSD card from PLC by pushing down on card.
Insert microSD card into included card reader.
Insert card reader, with microSD card installed, into computer's USB drive.
Make sure card reader is inserted as shown in picture #2 of this section.
Copy new program from computer to microSD card.
After program has been copied to microSD card, remove card from computer.
Insert microSD card into PLC.
Starting at main screen, press Menu.
Press Config and enter password to enter configuration screen.
On configuration screen, press Load Program.
Press Load Application on center of screen.
Press up or down arrow to highlight program to be loaded (.PGM file extension).
Press enter at bottom right of screen.
Once prompted, press OK to load new program.
Enter password for new program (AccuStream supplied) and press Enter.
After program has loaded, press OK to place pump in run mode.
Pump is now ready to operate with new program.
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Are you able to email or call the Hypertherm technical service team in Europe? They should be able to assist even if they don't know you.
Please contact your local technical service team and they will help get the PGM file for you.